Welcome to the Yale Club of the Suncoast
YCS President’s Message, December 2024
Hello all YCS Members,
Since my last message to you, we have had to add hurricane Milton, with a direct hit to Sarasota. There was a lot of damage, but we have been fortunate that our members have emerged from it all safely, perhaps dealing with some damages to property, etc., but otherwise safe and sound. Our board has been cognizant of the impact of events on YCS, recognizing that it has been frightening for some to return to the area until recently. In spite of everything, it was delightful to see you at the Welcome Back Party and at the November luncheon with our exciting speaker from the historic Florida Studio Theater.
Our next meeting will be a dinner meeting Wednesday December 4, 2024, a change in our usual lunch meeting format, because our speaker will be the well known scholar and historian regarding elections, Susan MacManus, Professor Emerita from the University of South Florida. She has been historically such a popular speaker at YCS events, someone who other Ivy Clubs wish to hear as well as YCS members, that we moved to a dinner meeting. This will be announced on the YCS website, and will take place at Marina Jack.
Because costs for meetings have risen so much at so many venues in Sarasota and Bradenton, our membership has reacted to the sticker cost of meetings, and your board is working to respond to your concerns. You will see on the website a reduction in price for this event. Be advised that for other events there may be changes in venue, based on the fact that our membership is clearly asking for cost reductions.
Also, for those who have not done so, please renew your dues. You can do that via our website.
Best to all during the winter holiday season
I encourage all members to check the Yale Club of the Suncoast website for listings of events. I wish to thank our Webmaster, Elaine Gustafson, for her work in updating our information on the website. It is our way of notifying you so that you can reserve dates on your calendars, be notified of changes in speakers and of other events that are held during the year. Special thanks to Jeff Jannuzzo, Director of Communications. Any of you are welcome to contact me with your questions and concerns.
Bruce L. Ballard, ‘60
President, Yale Club of the Suncoast
Other information for you: Please submit your dues of $50.00, thus renewing your membership in the Yale Club of the Suncoast. This can be done via the YCS website.
There is also a link to obtain membership name tags, if you have lost your current one or wish a replacement tag, click below.