Alumni Schools Committee

The ASC is a network of Yale alumni volunteers that serves as a liaison between the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and local communities. The ASC is an integral part of the admissions process. It is with the help of the ASC that Yale is able to build the best freshmen class possible. It is also one of the chief raisons d’etre of the Yale Club of the Suncoast.

What does the Alumni Schools Committee do?

In the late fall and early winter, ASC members interview applicants to Yale, and write brief reports as part of the admissions process. Typically, the Yale Club of the Suncoast has 20 to 30 applicants and interviews are completed by December for early admission, and by March for regular admissions.

In the spring, the Yale Club of the Suncoast presents Book Awards to selected junior students at most of the area’s high schools.

Other special events such as High School Counselor Breakfast, joint programs with other Ivies, Yale Book Award and June Book Awardees’ Reception will be announced at details are arranged.