
2024-2025 Season

You are cordially invited you to join the Yale Club of the Suncoast (YCS), an active group that sponsors monthly luncheons at the Sarasota Yacht Club with interesting speakers (including distinguished Yale professors) through the Winter season, and “drop-in” lunches during the Summer and early Fall. Our Club is a great place to re-connect with classmates and to make new Yale friends. Note our joint February luncheon of the combined Yale-Harvard-Princeton Clubs is held annually at Michaels-on-East.

The Yale Club of the Suncoast comprises over 100 members along with spouses and partners, current Yalies and their families from Sarasota, Manatee, DeSoto and Charlotte Counties. YCS also supports our alma mater by interviewing local applicants to Yale, presenting book awards to outstanding juniors at area high schools and sponsoring an annual reception for book award recipients and their families, in order to acquaint them with the many opportunities that Yale offers.  In recent years our area has generated a significant number of admissions to Yale College.

Dues are truly a bargain at $50 per year. Members receive discounts on all luncheons and events sponsored by the YCS, listing in our hard copy YCS Directory, and the heartfelt thanks from a hardworking Board who depend on membership dues to underwrite our Club’s activities.

Eligibility for membership extends to the entire family of our Yale community including spouses, parents, and grandparents.

To join the Yale Club of the Suncoast, or to renew your membership click on the link below where you may complete an application. 

Dues are only $50 per year.  For luncheon meetings and special events, members will receive a notice by e-mail and they may go to the website to register.

Our speaker luncheons are held the second Tuesday of the month beginning in November and extending through May.

If  you have any questions about the Club or membership, please feel free to contact our Membership Chair, Clarissa Moore at

Our Club members look forward to meeting you and introducing you to our very active Club.

Please review our eligibility criteria:

Any person who has been connected with any department of Yale University as a student or as an instructor, or who has received an honorary degree from the University, shall be eligible for membership in the association. Also eligible for membership shall be the surviving spouse of any deceased member and the parents and grandparents of current or past students at the University. (BY-LAWS, Yale Club of the Suncoast, Inc, Article II, Section I)

Also, if any new member wants a new name tag, or any older member wants a replacement, name tags can be ordered below.